Sculpting the body by removing unwanted, excess fat
Liposuction is a technique used to remove and sculpt areas where unwanted fatty deposits exist that cannot be addressed through the use of diet or exercise alone.

Many patients choose liposuction to give a more even shape and contour to their body by removing the stubborn areas of fat through suction, typically around the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips and arms.

It is important to understand that Liposuction is not a technique used for weight loss, although it can be combined with a healthy lifestyle to get the best outcome possible.

“I had a wonderful experience with Patrick, he is not only a great surgeon but he has extraordinary empathy and I always felt totally at ease with him.”

Z Porsche
The procedure

Surgery is usually carried out under General Anaesthetic and can take around 1-3 hrs in theatre depending on the numbers of areas. Most patients are able to return home on the same day as the procedure although depending on the extent of the surgery may be required to stay overnight.

The procedure is carried out by injecting a solution into the area which breaks down the fat, a very fine cannula is then introduced via small incisions and the fat removed with suction. The area is then sutured, surgical dressings are applied along with a compression garment which is usually worn for several weeks after surgery to maintain the shape achieved and reduce swelling.

Risks and Complications

Liposuction is a low risk procedure however as with any surgical procedures there are associated risks which should be considered prior to surgery Common side effects can include bruising, swelling and numbness which will usually subside as the area (s) begin to heal. Patients can complain of skin irritation from the incision site and unevenness which should reduce in the short term.

There are more uncommon complications associated with Liposuction such as infection, haematoma, delayed healing, skin necrosis and excessive fluid loss. In rare cases patients can experience rippling of the skin which may require further correctional treatment. General Anaesthesia carries its own risks for example, cardiac/respiratory issues and DVT. Our team of nursing staff monitor the progress of patients for signs of these complications very carefully post operatively and patients are given contact information should they need medical assistance once discharged from the hospital.

Once the healing process is complete it is important to maintain a healthy weight through a stable diet and exercise plan following surgery to maintain the results.

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