Post Bariatric Surgery
Patients who have undergone Weight loss surgery and who would like to address particular areas of their body, this usually includes a combination of procedures

Post Bariatric Surgery is the medical term used for the corrective cosmetic procedures carried out following Weight Loss Surgery. Losing excess weight is a huge achievement however patients who have lost substantial amounts of weight quickly are often left with unwanted, sagging skin that no longer fits their smaller and thinner frame and therefore requires further surgery to remove.

Our goal for patients who have undergone Bariatric Surgery is to help complete those final stages of the transformation.

There are several contouring procedures available which are carried out using specialist techniques than those performed on patients who have not undergone Weight Loss Surgery.

“I had a wonderful experience with Patrick, he is not only a great surgeon but he has extraordinary empathy and I always felt totally at ease with him.”

Z Porsche

It is important for patients to be as close to their goal weight as possible before undergoing these surgeries, to ensure that the results are long lasting:

Breast Uplift

Mastopexy is often referred to as Breast Uplift surgery, this procedure is common amongst women who have undergone Bariatric Surgery as the excess weight loss can cause a lack of volume and skin laxity making the breast and nipple have a more dropping appearance.

An incision is made around the areola and excess skin is removed both and above and below the area to allow repositioning, the nipple is never removed entirely, this is a popular myth, only the skin around the area. The gland is then manipulated to give the projection and shape of an aesthetically pleasing breast. Patients will have scarring around the areola from the incision which continues down and into the natural crease of the breast to varying degrees depending on the extent of the surgery, theses scars are sometimes referred to as ‘Anchors’.

In some cases if the breast lacks a large amount of volume it is necessary to place an Implant either underneath the pectoral muscle or more commonly on top, this will create a more shapely breast.

Arm Lift

Arm Lift surgery is a procedure designed to remove excess and sagging skin from the upper arms often referred to as ‘Bingo Wings’. An incision is made between the elbow and arm pit, the length of the incision depends on the severity of the condition. The excess skin is excised along with any unwanted fat to create a more shapely and aesthetically pleasing appearance, the area is then sutured.

An incision is made between the elbow and arm pit, the length of the incision depends on the severity of the condition. The excess skin is excised along with any unwanted fat to create a more shapely and aesthetically pleasing appearance, the area is then sutured. In some cases the patient may require Liposuction in addition to achieve the best result. Surgical drains may be in situ to drain any excess fluid, surgical dressings are applied and compression garments are placed on the area which will need to be worn for several weeks following surgery to retain the shape and reduce swelling.

Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift surgery is a procedure designed to remove excess and sagging skin from the thighs. Ageing and weight loss particularly as a result of bariatric surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) can leave patients feeling conscious of their body.
Incisions are made between the knee and groin area, the size of the incision depends on the extent of the surgery. The excess skin is excised along with any unwanted fat to create a more shapely and aesthetically pleasing appearance, the area is then sutured. In some cases the patient may require Liposuction in addition to achieve the best result. Surgical drains are sometimes used to drain any excess fluid, surgical dressings are applied and compression garments are placed on the area which will need to be worn for several weeks following surgery to retain the shape and reduce swelling.


A Facelift technically known as Rhyidectomy is usually performed on patients who present with substantial skin laxity and droopiness in the neck, these are common concerns following bariatric surgery. A full or “traditional” facelift addresses the sagging upper and lower neck skin and (platysmal) vertical neck bands, jowls, lower and mid nasolabial folds and marionette lines.

The incisions are made discreetly above the hairline and extend down either just inside the cartilage at the front of the ear or down the front of the ear and into the natural line, they would then continue around the back of the lobe and towards the crease behind the ear and off into the lower scalp with undermining of the skin and tightening of underlying support tissues.

The skin is then sutured so that is it lifted upwards and backwards similarly to what you would see when you lift your own skin in the mirror to imagine how the surgery may look. Surgical drains are usually inserted during the surgery to drain away any excess fluid and to reduce swelling and bruising.


Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a ‘Tummy Tuck involves the removal of excess skin from the abdomen along with the tightening of the underlying muscles.

The degree of Tummy Tuck depends on the extent of the surgery and how much skin requires removal. In some cases it is necessary for an Apronectomy (Panniculectomy) to be carried out, this involves the removal of the overhanging apron of skin, again the underlying muscles are tightened during this procedure and the incision can extend much further around the back of the patient

Belt Lipectomy / Body Lift

The Body Lift procedure is designed to remove skin and lift the buttocks and thighs, it would usually be carried out as part of the Abdominoplasty and involves an incision similar to a belt around the hips, any excess skin is then removed and the incision sutured

Risks and Complications

Post Bariatric Cosmetic Surgery is usually deemed major surgery due to the amount of excess weight being removed, so it is important to consider the associated risks prior surgery. These can include bruising, swelling and numbness. More uncommon complications can include infection, haematoma, seroma, delayed healing and thickened scarring. It is important to maintain a healthy diet and stable weight both prior to and following surgery to give the body the best chance to recover following surgery and to ensure the results are long lasting.
The results of Post Bariatric Cosmetic Surgery can take some time to become clear and due to nature of the surgerys may require further treatment in the future.

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