Eyelid Surgery
We offer Eyelid surgery from our centrally based London practice, it is a relatively simple procedure and creates a fresher and more rested outcome
If you're considering Eyelid surgery there may be some questions you'd like answered.
Eyelid surgery (technically called blepharoplasty) is a procedure to remove fat, usually along with excess skin and muscle, from the upper and lower eyelids.


A Blepharoplasty procedure is carried out to correct the appearance of the eyes either due to fatty deposits or excessive skin which can cause sagging and in some cases impair vision.

As patients grow older the muscles around the area can become more lax, the eyelids and brows can begin to droop and permanent bags can begin to appear around the eyes. The aim of the procedure is to rejuvenate the area making the eyes appear more open and in females allow a much smoother application of cosmetics. Patients should regain a more youthful appearance, it is not uncommon to combine the Blepharoplasty procedure with a Facelift for an overall aesthetically pleasing result.

“I had a wonderful experience with Patrick, he is not only a great surgeon but he has extraordinary empathy and I always felt totally at ease with him.”

Z Porsche
The procedure

Surgery usually takes around 1 to 1.5hrs in theatre and can be carried out under General Anaesthetic or Local Anaesthetic/Sedation depending on the extent of the procedure and patients can usually return home the same day.
Depending on the area(s) of concern the procedure will be customised to fulfil the patients’ requirements. For Upper Blepharoplasty an incision is made above the eyelid within the natural crease and for Lower Blepharoplasty an incision is made below the lashes or sometimes within the eye itself. Excess skin will then be excised and any fatty deposits are then removed or repositioned and the incisions are then sutured.

Risks and Complications

Blepharoplasty surgery is a low risk procedure and complications are rare however it is important to be aware of the side effects associated.

Common side effects can include bruising, swelling, dry or watering of the eye and conjunctivitis, these complaints usually subside in the short term following surgery. Patients can also experience irritation of the eye shortly after surgery and are required to avoid wearing contact lenses for 2 weeks post operatively.

More uncommon complaints following surgery can include infection, haematoma, scar thickening, bleeding, delayed healing and skin necrosis or skin loss. In very rare cases patients can encounter blurred or double vision and in extreme cases blindness.

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