Fat Transfer
Is a procedure which takes fat from one area of the body and transfers to an area lacking in volume and definition

Fat Transfer is a procedure designed for people wishing to restore volume or shape to areas that lack or have lost definition. Some people may naturally lack definition, others may lose volume as a result of weight loss or pregnancy. Fat Transfer can help create a more shapely and natural looking appearance.

Fat Transfer can help achieve a long lasting result by removing fat from one area of the body and effectively transferring it to another. This procedure is often used around the breast, buttock, cheek and lip areas to create a more aesthetically pleasing contour and voluminous shape.

“I had a wonderful experience with Patrick, he is not only a great surgeon but he has extraordinary empathy and I always felt totally at ease with him.”

Z Porsche
The procedure

Surgery is usually carried out under General or Local Anaesthetic and takes around 1-1.5hrs to perform, patients can return home the same day.

Fat Cells are harvested from the body using Liposuction whereby a solution is injected into the area which breaks down the fat, a very fine cannula is then introduced via small incisions and the fat removed with suction. The fat is then centrifuged or purified to separate the healthy cells from the damaged cells and then injected into the area that is lacking in volume. Typically the fat would be taken from the thighs, abdomen and/or the buttocks where excess fat is usually available. The small incision sites are sutured and dressings applied

Risks and Complications

Fat Transfer is a low risk procedure however as with any surgical procedures there are associated risks which should be considered prior to surgery

Common side effects can include bruising, swelling and numbness which will usually subside as the area (s) begin to heal. Patients can complain of skin irritation from the incision site and unevenness which should reduce in the short term.

There are more uncommon complications associated with Fat Transfer such as infection, haematoma, delayed healing, skin necrosis and seroma. In rare cases patients can experience rippling of the skin which may require further correctional treatment. General Anaesthesia carries its own risks for example, cardiac/respiratory issues and DVT. Our team of nursing staff monitor the progress of patients for signs of these complications very carefully post operatively and patients are given contact information should they need medical assistance once discharged from the hospital.

Once the healing process is complete it is important to maintain a healthy weight through a stable diet and exercise plan following surgery to maintain the results. It is important to be aware that whilst most of the fat cells will remain, some may resorb and it may be necessary to have further Fat Transfer surgery in the future.

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